Property Investor MINI and MEGA Series

We wish to announce that we are a key partner of the largest Property Investment Education platform in New Zealand. As a contact, client, or colleague we can provide you with exclusive and FREE access to the initial MINI series, as an introduction to the full Property Investment MEGA Series that we have put together.

This is exciting, it has taken close to a year to put together and this is a great platform for anyone with an interest in property, we are a team of 27 experts and we address Property Investment in a quite different way to what is currently done in the market. We cover plenty of technical aspects, but we also look at two big questions.

  1. Is Property Investment even right for you?
  2. What is the impact of Property Investment on the Economy and what is the future of Property Investment?

This second question is a biggie and we have Tony Alexander, Economist, and Ashley Church, Property Commentator, both on as part of the team to delve into this.

I am super excited to be able to offer to you FREE access to this series, I am certain many of you will be interested, and gain a lot of insight from this, regardless of where you are in your property journey.

The MINI Series is delivered to your email inbox so you can watch it in comfort. The MINI series is FREE, and it is educational in its own right, it is also a glimpse into what the MEGA series is all about. First watch the MINI Series and learn, then make a decision if you want to learn more by registering for the MEGA Series.

The MINI Series is a series of 4 video’s, and we talk in depth around what sets the serious and successful investors apart from the rest. We give you strategies and tools to help give you clarity around your investment journey. We also share some fantastic expert knowledge, the technical stuff.

  • PART 1 – Is Property Investment even right for you?
  • PART 2 – Property Awareness and technical knowledge.
  • PART 3 – Expert content plus a special “BONUS” Section.
  • PART 4 – Navigating for success.

Each part will be delivered to your email inbox with a link so you can watch the content. The 4 videos will be delivered over a 4-week period.

For more information OR to secure your spot in the FREE MINI series you can click here.

This will also secure you $500 OFF the full Registration price for the MEGA Series.

The MEGA Series is delivered through an online portal with your own secure login. It consists of over 25 modules and is delivered over 12+ weeks with 2 modules being released each week. We cover strategy and what “type of investor” will work for you, we take an in-depth look at the technical expertise and then we introduce you to people that support investors and various investor types. We also give you the tools to assist with your ongoing success.

You certainly will be inspired when you hear from some of our investors and what they have achieved.

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