Site Review
/0 Comments/in Videos/by HamishYou may be currently considering developing part of your property. Perhaps you’re wondering if you can subdivide your section and build a second house on the rear. You may want to buy a property, demolish the existing dwelling and build 4 new town houses or maybe you’re just curious to know exactly how the new unitary plan has affected the value of your home? See our video below for more information.
The best way to answer these questions is through an Auckland Unitary Plan property appraisal. We will drill down into the details of your site to explore options for development. We show the limitations and the opportunities as noted on Council’s GIS and Unitary Plan viewers. See our video below for more information.
Accidental Developer
/0 Comments/in Videos/by HamishDevelopers and investors are going to enjoy development opportunities they could previously only dream about, but this plan isn’t just for big property players. You, the homeowner, can also take advantage! You yourself can become a property developer. See our video below for more information.
Cross-lease to fee simple title
/0 Comments/in Videos/by HamishDo you own a cross-lease property? Are you looking to convert your cross-lease property to fee simple title? We can help add value to your property by converting it to fee simple. For detailed information see our video below.
Profiting from Unitary Plan
/0 Comments/in Videos/by HamishThe Auckland Unitary Plan is the rule-book that provides for the ongoing development of Auckland. That may be in the CBD where 50+m high buildings are proposed to small shopping areas, residential development or the management of our rural, coastal and wetland areas.
The Auckland region is vast, spreading from beyond Wellsford in the north to and including Pukekohe in the south. It is home to 1.5m people with another million expected in the next 30 years. See our video below for more information.
National Policy Statement on Urban Development
/0 Comments/in Building Code and Legislation/by HamishSleepytown – Are new towns the solution
/0 Comments/in Future Thinking, FYI/by HamishSleepyhead, the iconic NZ bed maker is changing ahead with a plan change in Ohinewai, a blink and you miss it dot on the map about 85kms south of Auckland CBD. They are going to set up a new working town. In short, the new town will centre around a manufacturing plant for their beds, with houses for workers and a village making up a brand-new community. The last time a new town was proposed was Rolleston south of Christchurch and before that all the little towns (villages) dotting the Waikato river for the hydro dams and forestry projects in the centre of the north island. And history will tell us, as long as there are plenty of sustaining jobs the town will thrive long after the foundations were put in place.